Lüber GmbH Contacts
Wilhelm Bovens, Director
Phone +41 (0)71 931 91 21, wilhelm.bovens(at)lueber.com
Frank Nürnberger, Chief Operating Officer
Phone +41 (0)71 931 91 21, frank.nuernberger(at)lueber.com
Rick Bovens, Sales and Project Management
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 68, rick.bovens(at)lueber.com
Romeo Götz, Sales and Project Management
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 66, romeo.goetz(at)lueber.com
Urs Egli, Head of Construction
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 62, urs.egli(at)lueber.com
Elvio Marro, Head of spare and wear parts
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 63, elvio.marro(at)lueber.com
Roman Bischof, Head of Electrical Planning
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 74, roman.bischof(at)lueber.com
Ronny Bossi, Head of Software
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 70, ronny.bossi(at)lueber.com
Core Shooter Sector
Joachim Trombetta, Head of construction core shooter division
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 92, joachim.trombetta(at)lueber.com
Peter Gempp, Head of production core shooter division
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 91, peter.gempp(at)lueber.com
Simon Brunner, Project Management and Construction core shooter division
Phone +41 (0)71 932 60 94, simon.brunner(at)lueber.com
Gerd Seider, Head of Electrical planning/software core shooter division
Telefon +41 (0)71 932 60 95, gerd.seider(at)lueber.com