Laboratory equipment
Compact laboratory devices
Our Lab-Mix is the ideal solution when a small laboratory mixer is required. Despite its compact design, the Lab-Mix has the advantages of the usual mixer in a Lüber core sand preparation system. This includes, for example, the automatic cleaning function after a mixing process. The mixer allows batches up to five kilograms.
Lab-Jet - our laboratory gassing device for the production of test specimens - a compact and space-saving laboratory gassing device that has been specially developed for laboratory use. Test specimens are required for core sand testing and can be easily cured with this device. For this purpose, the desired amine quantity, the purging pressure and the purging time must be set on the dispenser. To start, the amine is dosed manually. The gassing and rinsing process runs at the previously set time. The Lab-Jet is equipped with a bottle storage container for amine. The maximum capacity is 500 milliliters. Filling is carried out manually via a filler neck on the dispenser.
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